May 2010




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May. 30th, 2010


Backdated Owl to Addie MacFusty

[Backdated to 28 May 1980]
Owl to Adelaide MacFusty )

May. 27th, 2010


RP Log: Regulus Black and Chloe Wilkes

Who: Regulus Black and Chloe Wilkes
What: The night following Lord Voldemort's 'offer,' many long overdue subjects are discussed.
When: Tuesday, 11 May 1980, just after this. (backdated)
Where: Regulus's flat in Kensington, London
Rating: Low. They're just not very good at being scandalous.
Status: Complete.

Regulus was struck uncharacteristically silent at the thought that he had not seen her face-to-face in nearly six months. )

May. 24th, 2010


Found Stuffed in the Barrel of One of His Guns

Letter to Morgan MacDougal; Found Stuffed in the Barrel of One of His Guns )

May. 16th, 2010


RP Log: Olivia and Chloe Wilkes (backdated)

WHO: Chloe and Olivia Wilkes
WHEN: Friday, 2 April 1980 (very backdated, sorry)
WHERE: Music room of the Wilkes Townhouse, Kensington, London
WHAT: Chloe is worried about Olivia.

When had they gone from their childhood complicity to... this? )

May. 15th, 2010


Owl to Edgar Bones

Owl to Edgar Bones )

May. 14th, 2010


WWN Broadcast - 14 May 1980

Your 6pm News with Sloane Vaisey )

May. 11th, 2010


Wireless Narrative: The Tube

Characters: Rocketman and Sweet Melissa
Setting: Evening of 11 May on The Tube
Summary: Rocketman and Sweet Melissa let off a little steam.
Warning: Bad words!
Music: "God Save the Queen" by the Sex Pistols, "All Along the Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix

'What is the goddamn purpose? I wonder if he could actually effectively answer these questions for us.' )


RP Narrative: Gretchen

Characters: Gretchen Davies (and NPC wireless folk)
Setting: Afternoon of 11 May near the end of the program Magic Rock at the studio (and, subsequently, on everyone's wireless)
Summary: Gretchen is pretty damn tired of being pushed around.
Warnings: None!

'Ladies and gentlemen...I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, but I do have an announcement to make.' )

May. 10th, 2010


WWN Broadcast Interruption

Partway through the WWN's evening news broadcast, all wireless stations -- the Tube included -- are interrupted.

Greetings, citizens of the Wizarding World. )

And then the broadcasts resume as they were.

May. 8th, 2010


rp narrative: Doyle Sullivan

Who: Doyle Sullivan
What: Coming home from work (real, honest, respectable work, too!)
When: Friday night, May 7
Where: His flat on Knockturn
Rating: Low

And now that he was home, locked in, safe, ... he collapsed onto the lumpy, sagging mattress in the corner that was his bed, and he pulled the threadbare blanket over himself as he curled up, cradling his right arm to him. )

May. 7th, 2010


RP Narrative: James Potter

Who: James.
When: This morning.
Where: The Potter's house in Godric's Hollow.
What: Waffles.
Rating: PG at most.
Status: Complete!

Lately, James had been keeping his wand in his pocket, mixing ingredients with hands and spoons and spatulas. It took more time, but the difference in taste was noticeable, as was the lack of repairs needed around the house. )


RP Narrative: Pepper

Who: Pepper.
What: Returning to human form.
When: Last night of the full moon.
Where: Ministry facilities.
Rating: PG at most.
Status: Complete!

That moment had reminded Pepper of mornings after an all-night binge, knowing that if you could just throw up, you'd feel so much better. )


Daily Prophet, 7 May, Morning edition )

May. 6th, 2010


RP Log; Madog & Gwen MacDougal

Who: Madog & Gwendolyn MacDougal
When: Monday-ish.
Where: Ze Castle MacDougal.
What: Sibling Conversations.
Rating: Low.

/Really/, Gwennie? Ye really read this? )


Who: Patrice and Lucia
Where: The bathroom, then the bedroom
What: Lucia confronts Patrice about Lexi's owl, then gets far more upset at him than she ever meant to. And he... well, he gets upset too in his own Patrice way.
When: Thursday, 6 May 1980, directly after this entry
Rating: 14A, nothing too intense but definitely adult subject matter and non-explicit nudity
Warnings: Mild domestic violence
Status: Complete.

If you choose to be petulant because I was a foolish young man once, then I truly cannot stop you, but do be careful, because it will effect your marriage now and I do not believe you want that. )

May. 5th, 2010


presents for meredith watkins

hand-delivered to Meredith )


rp log - aaron & melanie

Who: Aaron, Melanie and bebe!Lisa Turpin
When: BACKDATED to weekend after Emily's death
Where: House of Turpin
What: Sibling talk
Rating: PG

Melanie had gotten very good at gauging when Lisa was going to start fussing. )


Who: Will and Iona
Where: Iona's bedroom
When: A morning of a shared day off, let's say... Sunday the 2nd, May, 1980
What: Just a cute morning scene of them waking up together. Nothing omg plotty, but more d'awww couple.
Rating: PG? F FOR FLUFF.
Status: Done!

Groceries! You sassy thing. )


Owl to Meredith Watkins

Owl to Meredith Watkins )


RP Narrative: Damocles Belby.

WHO: Damocles Belby.
WHEN: Very early morning of 5 May, 1980.
WHERE: His own home.
WHAT: Something that should have been done back in September is... finally done.

If there was another option aside from /speak/ or /keep silent/, then surely that option would have arisen already. )

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